Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How long does it take to rebuild dirtbike forks?

They're inverted dirtbike forks off a CR125, I think they MIGHT need to be rebuild. I'm looking to bring them into a dealership, and I'd supply the parts to get the job done. I just want to know about how many hours of work it's gonna take. I could even take the 2 fork pieces off the bike, and bring those over.

So how long does it take to change the seals, etc in dirtbike forks?

thanks! Best answer gets 10 points.How long does it take to rebuild dirtbike forks?About 1.5 hrs. book time with the legs removed.You can do it yourself but you'll need a seal installer to do the job properly.Best left to a shop as there are about 50 different installation tools.How long does it take to rebuild dirtbike forks?If you are going to go to the trouble of taking the forks off the bike, why not just rebuild them yourself? For far less than you'll pay the dealer, you can buy a manual and some basic tools, do the job yourself, and come away smarter, wealthier, and with a better understanding of your machine.How long does it take to rebuild dirtbike forks?It took me about three hours to change the seals. I bet someone at a dealership could do it in under two hours. You could save some money and do it yourself, just look on youtube at how to change fork seals, that is how I did it. Hope this helped

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