Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How long will this take to do in a motorcycle shop?

Change the rear tire bearings and seal the forks, i need it done by this weekend?How long will this take to do in a motorcycle shop?This could be easily done in a few hours time, but most places do this kind of work on a first come first serve basis, so I guess it would depend on how backed up they are, and how quick then can get to it.How long will this take to do in a motorcycle shop?bearings shouldn't take more than an hour and forks can be done in 2-3 hoursHow long will this take to do in a motorcycle shop?about 4 hours but you will get charged the flat rate.Flat rate is whatever the book sais it is.In other words if the factory manual sais its a 3 hour job you get charged 3 hours.How long will this take to do in a motorcycle shop?choppy,you really have to learn how to spell simple words like

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